LXX Genesis Chapters 1 - 4

For the Greek text here I have used the CATSS LXX editions of the Septuagint Old Testament prepared by the TLG (Thesaurus Linguae Graecae) Project directed by T. Brunner at the University of California, Irvine and made available through the Center for Computer Analysis of Texts (CCAT) at the University of Pennsylvania 'for the use of students, teachers and scholars in study and education contexts'.
This text is only available for NON-COMMERCIAL personal/scholarly and educational use.

The accompanying translation to English is my original work. Copyright on this is reserved as follows :
..... Authentic Christianity, 4th edition : (c) 2001-6, Target Technical, York, UK
All rights are reserved - except that this text is made available without charge for NON-COMMERCIAL personal/scholarly and educational use.

In the beginning : ********************************************************************************************
01O 1 1 en arch epoihsen o qeoV ton ouranon kai thn ghn
01O 1 1 In a beginning God made Heaven and Earth.

01O 1 2a h de gh hn aoratoV kai akataskeuastoV kai skotoV epanw ths abussou
01O 1 2a But the earth was invisible and unformed - and darkness (was) above the abyss.

01O 1 2b kai pneuma qeou epefereto epanw tou udatoV
01O 1 2b And a spirit of a god was overlaid above the water.
Day 01 *****************************************************************************************************
01O 1 3 kai eipen o qeoV genhqhtw fws kai egeneto fwV
01O 1 3 And God said "Let light happen" - and light happened.

01O 1 4a kai eiden o qeoV to fwV oti kalon
01O 1 4a And God saw the light as good

01O 1 4b kai diecwrisen o qeoV ana meson tou fwtoV kai ana meson tou skotouV
01O 1 4b and God divided [alt : separated, segregated, dissociated, discriminated] amidst the light and amidst the darkness.

01O 1 5 kai ekalesen o qeoV to fwV hmeran kai to skotoV ekalesen nukta kai egeneto espera kai egeneto prwi hmera mia
01O 1 5 And God called the light 'day', and the darkness he called 'night'. And evening happened - and morning happened (DAY ONE).
Day 02 ****************************************************************************************************
01O 1 6 kai eipen o qeoV genhqhtw sterewma en mesw tou udatoV kai estw diacwrizon ana meson udatoV kai udatoV kai egeneto outwV
01O 1 6 And God said "Let a space happen in the midst of the water, and let it be a divider amidst water and water". And it happened like this.

01O 1 7 kai epoihsen o qeoV to sterewma kai diecwrisen o qeoV ana meson tou udatoV o hn upokatw tou sterewmatoV kai ana meson tou udatoV tou epanw tou sterewmatoV
01O 1 7 And God made the space, and God divided amidst the water which was down below the space - and amidst the water which was up above the space.

01O 1 8 kai ekalesen o qeoV to sterewma ouranon kai eiden o qeoV oti kalon kai egeneto espera kai egeneto prwi hmera deutera
01O 1 8 And God called the space 'heaven' - and God saw it as good [omitted in MT] . And evening happened - and morning happened (SECOND DAY).
Day 03 ****************************************************************************************************
01O 1 9 kai eipen o qeoV sunacqhtw to udwr to upokatw tou ouranou eiV sunagwghn mian kai ofqhtw h xhra kai egeneto outwV kai sunhcqh to udwr to upokatw tou ouranou eiV taV sunagwgaV autwn kai wfqh h xhra
01O 1 9 And God said "Let the water beneath Heaven coalesce into one assembly [alt : one synagogue] and let the dry appear" - and it happened thus. And the water beneath Heaven coalesced into their assemblies [alt : their synagogues] - and the dry appeared

01O 1 10 kai ekalesen o qeoV thn xhran ghn kai ta susthmata twn udatwn ekalesen qalassaV kai eiden o qeoV oti kalon
01O 1 10 And God called the dry 'earth', and the systems of waters he called 'seas'. And God saw it as good.

01O 1 11 kai eipen o qeoV blasthsatw h gh botanhn cortou speiron sperma kata genoV kai kaq' omoiothta kai xulon karpimon poioun karpon ou to sperma autou en autw kata genoV epi thV ghV kai egeneto outwV
01O 1 11 And God said "Let the earth sprout a grassy plant spreading seed according to (its) kind and variety - and a fruit-bearing tree bearing fruit of which its seed (is) within it, according to (its) kind upon the earth". And it happened like this.

01O 1 12 kai exhnegken h gh botanhn cortou speiron sperma kata genoV kai kaq' omoiothta kai xulon karpimon poioun karpon ou to sperma autou en autw kata genoV epi thV ghV kai eiden o qeoV oti kalon
01O 1 12 And the earth brought forth a grassy plant spreading seed after its kind and variety - and a fruit-bearing tree bearing fruit of which its seed (is) within it, according to (its) kind upon the earth. And God saw it as good.

01O 1 13 kai egeneto espera kai egeneto prwi hmera trith
01O 1 13 And evening happened - and morning happened (THIRD DAY).
Day 04 ****************************************************************************************************
01O 1 14 kai eipen o qeoV genhqhtwsan fwsthreV en tw sterewmati tou ouranou eiV fausin thV ghV tou diacwrizein ana meson thV hmeraV kai ana meson thV nuktoV kai estwsan eiV shmeia kai eiV kairouV kai eiV hmeraV kai eiV eniautouV
01O 1 14 And God said "Let luminous bodies happen in the space of Heaven to shine upon the earth (and) to divide amidst the day and amidst the night; and let them be for signs, both for seasons and for days and for years;

01O 1 15 kai estwsan eiV fausin en tw sterewmati tou ouranou wste fainein epi thV ghV kai egeneto outwV
01O 1 15 and let them be for shining within the space of Heaven so as to appear upon the earth" : and it happened like this.

01O 1 16 kai epoihsen o qeoV touV duo fwsthraV touV megalouV ton fwsthra ton megan eis arcaV thV hmeraV kai ton fwsthra ton elassw eis arcaV thV nuktoV kai touV asteraV
01O 1 16 And God made the two great luminous bodies, the greater luminous body to rule the day, and the lesser luminous body to rule the night and the stars.

01O 1 17 kai eqeto autouV o qeoV en tw sterewmati tou ouranou wste fainein epi thV ghV
01O 1 17 And God placed them in the space of Heaven so as to appear upon the earth,

01O 1 18 kai arcein thV hmeraV kai thV nuktoV kai diacwrizein ana meson tou fwtoV kai ana meson tou skotouV kai eiden o qeoV oti kalon
01O 1 18 and to rule the day and the night, and to divide amidst the light and amidst the darkness. And God saw it as good.

01O 1 19 kai egeneto espera kai egeneto prwi hmera tetarth
01O 1 19 And evening happened - and morning happened (FOURTH DAY).
Day 05 ****************************************************************************************************
01O 1 20 kai eipen o qeoV exagagetw ta udata erpeta yucwn zwswn kai peteina petomena epi thV ghV kata to sterewma tou ouranou kai egeneto outwV
01O 1 20 And God said "Let the waters bring forth creeping things with living souls and birds flying upon the earth down the space of Heaven" : and it happened like this.

01O 1 21 kai epoihsen o qeoV ta khth ta megala kai pasan yuchn zwwn erpetwn a exhgagen ta udata kata genh autwn kai pan peteinon pterwton kata genoV kai eiden o qeoV oti kala
01O 1 21 And God made the large sea creatures, and every soul of living creeping thing which the waters brought forth, after their kind, and every winged bird after its kind. And God saw them as good.

01O 1 22 kai huloghsen auta o qeoV legwn auxanesqe kai plhqunesqe kai plhrwsate ta udata en taiV qalassaiV kai ta peteina plhqunesqwsan epi thV ghV
01O 1 22 And God blessed them, saying "Grow and multiply and fill the waters within the seas, and let the birds multiply upon the earth".

01O 1 23 kai egeneto espera kai egeneto prwi hmera pempth
01O 1 23 And evening happened - and morning happened (FIFTH DAY).
Day 06 ****************************************************************************************************
01O 1 24 kai eipen o qeoV exagagetw h gh yuchn zwsan kata genoV tetrapoda kai erpeta kai qhria thV ghV kata genoV kai egeneto outwV
01O 1 24 And God said "Let THE EARTH bring forth A LIVING SOUL AFTER A FOUR-FOOTED KIND, and creeping things and wild beasts of the earth after (their) kind" : and it happened like this.

01O 1 25 kai epoihsen o qeoV ta qhria thV ghV kata genoV kai ta kthnh kata genoV kai panta ta erpeta thV ghV kata genoV autwn kai eiden o qeoV oti kala
01O 1 25 And God made the wild beasts of the earth after (their) kind, and the pastoral beasts after (their) kind, and all the creeping things of the earth after their kind. And God saw them as good.

01O 1 26 kai eipen o qeoV poihswmen anqrwpon kat' eikona hmeteran kai kaq' omoiwsin kai arcetwsan twn icquwn thV qalasshV kai twn peteinwn tou ouranou kai twn kthnwn kai pashV thV ghV kai pantwn twn erpetwn twn erpontwn epi thV ghV
01O 1 26 And God said "Let us make A PERSON ACCORDING TO OUR IMAGE and according to likenesses : and let THEM rule (over) the fish of the sea and (over) the birds of Heaven - and (over) the pastoral beasts and (over) all the earth - and (over) all the creeping things which creep upon the earth"

01O 1 27 kai epoihsen o qeoV ton anqrwpon kat' eikona qeou epoihsen auton arsen kai qhlu epoihsen autouV
01O 1 27 And God made 'THE PERSON'. According to (the) image of a god he made HIM. Male and female he made THEM.

01O 1 28 kai huloghsen autouV o qeoV legwn auxanesqe kai plhqunesqe kai plhrwsate thn ghn kai katakurieusate authV kai arcete twn icquwn thV qalasshV kai twn peteinwn tou ouranou kai pantwn twn kthnwn kai pashV thV ghV kai pantwn twn erpetwn twn erpontwn epi thV ghV
01O 1 28 And God blessed THEM, saying "Grow and multiply and fill the earth and LORD over it. And rule (over) the FISH of the SEA and (over) the BIRDS of HEAVEN - and (over) ALL the pastoral BEASTS and (over) all the EARTH - and (over) all the CREEPING THINGS which creep upon the earth"

01O 1 29 kai eipen o qeoV idou dedwka umin pan corton sporimon speiron sperma o estin epanw pashV thV ghV kai pan xulon o ecei en eautw karpon spermatoV sporimou umin estai eiV brwsin
01O 1 29 And God said "Look, I have given to YOU [pl.] every GRASS spreading SEED to propagate which is above all the EARTH - and every TREE which has within itself FRUIT (having) SEED to propagate. For you it shall be for eating.

01O 1 30 kai pasi toiV qhrioiV thV ghV kai pasi toiV peteinoiV tou ouranou kai panti erpetw tw erponti epi thV ghV o ecei en eautw yuchn zwhV panta corton clwron eiV brwsin kai egeneto outwV
01O 1 30 And to all the wild BEASTS of the EARTH, and to all the BIRDS of HEAVEN, and to every CREEPING THING that creeps upon the earth (and) which has within it a SOUL of LIFE, (I have given) every (kind of) GREEN GRASS for eating". And it happened like this.

01O 1 31 kai eiden o qeoV ta panta osa epoihsen kai idou kala lian kai egeneto espera kai egeneto prwi hmera ekth
01O 1 31 And God saw everything that he had made, and look : exceedingly good . And evening happened - and morning happened (SIXTH DAY).
Day 07 ****************************************************************************************************
01O 2 1 kai sunetelesqhsan o ouranoV kai h gh kai paV o kosmoV autwn
01O 2 1 And they were completed, Heaven and Earth - and all the cosmos from them.

01O 2 2 kai sunetelesen o qeoV en th hmera th ekth ta erga autou a epoihsen kai katepausen th hmera th ebdomh apo pantwn twn ergwn autou wn epoihsen
01O 2 2 And God finished on the SIXTH DAY his works which he made : and he ceased on the SEVENTH DAY from all his works which he made.

01O 2 3 kai huloghsen o qeoV thn hmeran thn ebdomhn kai hgiasen authn oti en auth katepausen apo pantwn twn ergwn autou wn hrxato o qeoV poihsai
01O 2 3 And God blessed the SEVENTH DAY and made it holy, because within it he rested from all his works which God had begun to make.
01O 2 4 auth h bibloV genesewV ouranou kai ghV ote egeneto h hmera epoihsen o qeoV ton ouranon kai thn ghn
01O 2 4 This (is) the Book of Genesis of Heaven and Earth. Now it happened on the day God made Heaven and Earth.

01O 2 5 kai pan clwron agrou pro tou genesqai epi thV ghV kai panta corton agrou pro tou anateilai ou gar ebrexen o qeoV epi thn ghn kai anqrwpoV ouk hn ergazesqai thn ghn
01O 2 5 And all ( the ) green of the field had yet to happen upon the earth, and all the grass of the field had yet to spring up. For God did not rain upon the earth and there was not a person to work the earth.

01O 2 6 phgh de anebainen ek thV ghV kai epotizen pan to proswpon thV ghV
01O 2 6 But a spring came up from the earth and watered all the face of the earth.

01O 2 7 kai eplasen o qeoV ton anqrwpon coun apo thV ghV kai enefushsen eiV to proswpon autou pnohn zwhV kai egeneto o anqrwpoV eiV yuchn zwsan
01O 2 7 And God formed the dust person from the earth - and breathed into his face a breath of life. And the person became a living soul.

01O 2 8 kai efuteusen kurioV o qeoV paradeison en edem kata anatolaV kai eqeto ekei ton anqrwpon on eplasen
01O 2 8 And the lord god planted a paradise within Eden in the east - and placed there the person which he formed.

01O 2 9 kai exaneteilen o qeoV eti ek thV ghV pan xulon wraion eiV orasin kai kalon eiV brwsin kai to xulon thV zwhV en mesw tw paradeisw kai to xulon tou eidenai gnwston kalou kai ponhrou
01O 2 9 And God made to grow - still from the earth - each tree that is beautiful for looking at and good for eating : both the tree of life in the midst of Paradise AND the tree for knowing knowledge of good and evil.
01O 2 10 potamoV de ekporeuetai ex edem potizein ton paradeison ekeiqen aforizetai eiV tessaraV arcaV
01O 2 10 Now a river went out from Eden to water Paradise : from there it was parted into four branches.

01O 2 11 onoma tw eni fiswn outoV o kuklwn pasan thn ghn euilat ekei ou estin to crusion
01O 2 11 The name for the one is Phison : this (is the one) encircling all the earth of Euilat - there from it is the gold.

01O 2 12 to de crusion thV ghV ekeinhV kalon kai ekei estin o anqrax kai o liqoV o prasinoV
01O 2 12 But the gold of that earth (appears ?) good - and there is the coal [alt: the red stone] and the green stone.

01O 2 13 kai onoma tw potamw tw deuterw ghwn outoV o kuklwn pasan thn ghn aiqiopiaV
01O 2 13 And a name for the second river, Geon : this (is the one) encircling all the earth of Ethiopia.

01O 2 14 kai o potamoV o tritoV tigriV outoV o poreuomenoV katenanti assuriwn o de potamoV o tetartoV outoV eufrathV
01O 2 14 And the third river (is the) Tigris [alt: tiger ], the one going down by Assyria. But the fourth river, this (is the) Euphrates [alt: fluent ?].
01O 2 15 kai elaben kurioV o qeoV ton anqrwpon on eplasen kai eqeto auton en tw paradeisw ergazesqai auton kai fulassein
01O 2 15 And the lord god took the person which he formed and placed him within Paradise to work it and to keep guard.

01O 2 16 kai eneteilato kurioV o qeoV tw adam legwn apo pantoV xulou tou en tw paradeisw brwsei fagh
01O 2 16 And the lord god gave a command to Adam, saying "From each tree of those within Paradise you [ sg.] may eat as food:

01O 2 17 apo de tou xulou tou ginwskein kalon kai ponhron ou fagesqe ap' autou h d' an hmera faghte ap' autou qanatw apoqaneisqe
01O 2 17 but from the tree for knowing good and evil , you [ pl .] do not eat from it. But then in the day that you [ pl .] may eat from it, by death you [ pl .] shall die".

01O 2 18 kai eipen kurioV o qeoV ou kalon einai ton anqrwpon monon poihswmen autw bohqon kat' auton
01O 2 18 And the lord god said "It is not good for the person to be alone. Let us make for him a helper like him".

01O 2 19 kai eplasen o qeoV eti ek thV ghV panta ta qhria tou agrou kai panta ta peteina tou ouranou kai hgagen auta proV ton adam idein ti kalesei auta kai pan o ean ekalesen auto adam yuchn zwsan touto onoma autou
01O 2 19 And God formed, still from the earth, all the wild beasts of the field and all the birds of Heaven - and he brought them to Adam to see what he would call them. And , (for) each one , if Adam called it 'living soul', that (was) its name.

01O 2 20 kai ekalesen adam onomata pasin toiV kthnesin kai pasi toiV peteinoiV tou ouranou kai pasi toiV qhrioiV tou agrou tw de adam ouc eureqh bohqoV omoioV autw
01O 2 20 And Adam called names for all the pastoral beasts and for all the birds of Heaven and for all the wild beasts of the field. But for Adam there was not found a helper similar to him.

01O 2 21 kai epebalen o qeoV ekstasin epi ton adam kai upnwsen kai elaben mian twn pleurwn autou kai aneplhrwsen sarka ant' authV
01O 2 21 And God threw a trance upon Adam and he slept : and he took one of his ribs and filled up flesh in exchange for it.

01O 2 22 kai wkodomhsen kurioV o qeoV thn pleuran hn elaben apo tou adam eiV gunaika kai hgagen authn proV ton adam
01O 2 22 And the lord god built the rib which he took from Adam into a woman - and brought her to Adam.

01O 2 23 kai eipen adam touto nun ostoun ek twn ostewn mou kai sarx ek thV sarkoV mou auth klhqhsetai gunh oti ek tou androV authV elhmfqh auth
01O 2 23 And Adam said "This now (is) bone out of my bones and flesh out of my flesh. She shall be called woman because out of her man she was taken"

01O 2 24 eneken toutou kataleiyei anqrwpoV ton patera autou kai thn mhtera autou kai proskollhqhsetai proV thn gunaika autou kai esontai oi duo eiV sarka mian
01O 2 24 On account of this, a person shall leave his father and his mother, and he shall be glued to his woman, and they shall be the two into one flesh.

01O 2 25 kai hsan oi duo gumnoi o te adam kai h gunh autou kai ouk hscunonto
01O 2 25 And they were, the two ( of them ), naked - both Adam and his woman - and they were not ashamed.
01O 3 1 o de ofiV hn fronimwtatoV pantwn twn qhriwn twn epi thV ghV wn epoihsen kurioV o qeoV kai eipen o ofiV th gunaiki ti oti eipen o qeoV ou mh faghte apo pantoV xulou tou en tw paradeisw
01O 3 1 But the serpent was the most sagacious of all the wild beasts - of those (going) upon the earth which the lord god made. And the serpent said to the woman "What ( was it ) that God said ? 'You [ pl .] may not eat from any tree within Paradise' ?"

01O 3 2 kai eipen h gunh tw ofei apo karpou xulou tou paradeisou fagomeqa
01O 3 2 And the woman said to the serpent "From (the) fruit of a tree of Paradise we may eat,

01O 3 3 apo de karpou tou xulou o estin en mesw tou paradeisou eipen o qeoV ou fagesqe ap' autou oude mh ayhsqe autou ina mh apoqanhte
01O 3 3 but from (the) fruit of the tree which is in the midst of Paradise, God said ' You [ pl .] do not eat from it - nor may you [ pl .] touch it so that you might not die' " [ ie. in order to avoid dying ]

01O 3 4 kai eipen o ofiV th gunaiki ou qanatw apoqaneisqe
01O 3 4 And the serpent said to the woman "By death you [ pl .] shall not die

01O 3 5 hdei gar o qeoV oti en h an hmera faghte ap' autou dianoicqhsontai umwn oi ofqalmoi kai esesqe ws qeoi ginwskonteV kalon kai ponhron
01O 3 5 for God knows that in the day you [ pl .] may eat from it, your eyes shall be opened, AND ... you [ pl .] shall be like gods, knowing good and evil".

01O 3 6 kai eiden h gunh oti kalon to xulon eiV brwsin kai oti areston toiV ofqalmoiV idein kai wraion estin tou katanohsai kai labousa tou karpou autou efagen kai edwken kai tw andri authV met' authV kai efagon
01O 3 6 And the woman saw the tree as good for eating and as agreeable with the eyes to see - and (that) it is beautiful for understanding fully. And taking (some) of its fruit, she ate. And she gave (some) also to her man with her - and they ate

01O 3 7 kai dihnoicqhsan oi ofqalmoi twn duo kai egnwsan oti gumnoi hsan kai errayan fulla sukhV kai epoihsan eautoiV perizwmata
01O 3 7 And the eyes of the two were opened - AND ... they learned to know that they were naked. And they stitched leaves of a fig - and made for themselves aprons.
01O 3 8 kai hkousan thn fwnhn kuriou tou qeou peripatountoV en tw paradeisw to deilinon kai ekrubhsan o te adam kai h gunh autou apo proswpou kuriou tou qeou en mesw tou xulou tou paradeisou
01O 3 8 And they heard the voice of the lord god walking about in Paradise towards evening. And they hid - both Adam and his woman - from (the) face of the lord god in the midst of the tree of Paradise

01O 3 9 kai ekalesen kurioV o qeoV ton adam kai eipen autw adam pou ei
01O 3 9 And the lord god called Adam and said to him "Adam, where are you ?"

01O 3 10 kai eipen autw thn fwnhn sou hkousa peripatountoV en tw paradeisw kai efobhqhn oti gumnoV eimi kai ekrubhn
01O 3 10 And he said to him "I heard your voice walking about in Paradise - and I was afraid because I am naked and I was hidden (alt: they were hidden)".

01O 3 11 kai eipen autw tiV anhggeilen soi oti gumnoV ei mh apo tou xulou ou eneteilamhn soi toutou monou mh fagein ap' autou efageV
01O 3 11 And he said to him "Who announced to you that you are naked ? Surely you did not eat from the tree of which I commanded you 'Of this alone not to eat from it' ?"

01O 3 12 kai eipen o adam h gunh hn edwkaV met' emou auth moi edwken apo tou xulou kai efagon
01O 3 12 And Adam said "The woman whom you gave (to be) with me, she gave to me from the tree - and I ate."

01O 3 13 kai eipen kurioV o qeoV th gunaiki ti touto epoihsaV kai eipen h gunh o ofiV hpathsen me kai efagon
01O 3 13 And the lord god said to the woman "What (is) this you did ?". And the woman said " The serpent deceived me and I ate ".
01O 3 14 kai eipen kurioV o qeoV tw ofei oti epoihsaV touto epikataratoV su apo pantwn twn kthnwn kai apo pantwn twn qhriwn thV ghV epi tw sthqei sou kai th koilia poreush kai ghn fagh pasaV taV hmeraV thV zwhV sou
01O 3 14 And the lord god said to the serpent "Because you made/did this, cursed (are) you from all the pastoral beasts and from all the wild beasts of the earth. Upon your chest and (your) abdomen shall you go - and eat earth all the days of your life.

01O 3 15 kai ecqran qhsw ana meson sou kai ana meson thV gunaikoV kai ana meson tou spermatoV sou kai ana meson tou spermatoV authV autoV sou thrhsei kefalhn kai su thrhseiV autou pternan
01O 3 15 And I shall put enmity amidst you and amidst the woman, and amidst your seed and amidst her seed. He shall watch you (for) a head - and you shall watch him (for) a heel ".

01O 3 16 kai th gunaiki eipen plhqunwn plhqunw taV lupaV sou kai ton stenagmon sou en lupaiV texh tekna kai proV ton andra sou h apostrofh sou kai autoV sou kurieusei
01O 3 16 And to the woman he said, "Multiplying, I shall multiply your sorrows and sighing. In sorrows you shall bring forth children. And your aversion shall be towards your man - and he shall LORD (it over) you".

01O 3 17 tw de adam eipen oti hkousaV thV fwnhV thV gunaikoV sou kai efageV apo tou xulou ou eneteilamhn soi toutou monou mh fagein ap' autou epikataratoV h gh en toiV ergoiV sou en lupaiV fagh authn pasaV taV hmeraV thV zwhV sou
01O 3 17 But to Adam he said "Because you listened to the voice of your woman - and ate from the tree of which I commanded you 'From this alone not to eat from it' - accursed (is) the earth in your works. In sorrows you shall eat it [ earth ] all the days of your life.

01O 3 18 akanqaV kai tribolouV anatelei soi kai fagh ton corton tou agrou
01O 3 18 Thorns and thistles [alt : caltrops] it shall raise up for you - and you shall eat the grass of the field.

01O 3 19 en idrwti tou proswpou sou fagh ton arton sou ewV tou apostreyai se eiV thn ghn ex hV elhmfqhV oti gh ei kai eiV ghn apeleush
01O 3 19 In the sweat of your face you shall eat your bread until your return to the earth from which you were taken. For you are earth - and to earth you shall return".

01O 3 20 kai ekalesen adam to onoma ths gunaikos autou zwh oti auth mhthr pantwn twn zwntwn
01O 3 20 And Adam called the name of his woman Zoe [ lit: "life"] , because she (was) mother of all living (things)
01O 3 21 kai epoihsen kurioV o qeoV tw adam kai th gunaiki autou citwnaV dermatinouV kai enedusen autouV
01O 3 21 And the lord god made for Adam and for his woman skin tunics ( under-garments ) - and put them on.

01O 3 22 kai eipen o qeoV idou adam gegonen wV eiV ex hmwn tou ginwskein kalon kai ponhron kai nun mhpote ekteinh thn ceira kai labh tou xulou thV zwhV kai fagh kai zhsetai eiV ton aiwna
01O 3 22 And God said "Look, Adam has become alike to one of us - for knowing good and evil. And now, lest perhaps he should put forth the hand, and take of the tree of life and eat, and live in the Aiona ..." .

01O 3 23 kai exapesteilen auton kurioV o qeoV ek tou paradeisou ths trufhV ergazesqai thn ghn ex hV elhmfqh
01O 3 23 And the lord god sent him out from Paradise of luxury - to work the earth from which he was taken.

01O 3 24 kai exebalen ton adam kai katwkisen auton apenanti tou paradeisou thV trufhV kai etaxen ta ceroubim kai thn floginhn romfaian thn strefomenhn fulassein thn odon tou xulou thV zwhV
01O 3 24 And he threw out Adam and settled him opposite Paradise of luxury. And he set in place the Cherubim - and ' the flaming sword which turned ' to guard the way of the tree of life.
01O 4 1 adam de egnw euan thn gunaika autou kai sullabousa eteken ton kain kai eipen ekthsamhn anqrwpon dia tou qeou
01O 4 1 But Adam learned to know Eve, his woman, and she, conceiving, gave birth to Cain. And she said "I acquired a person by means of God" [ but in Hebr. MT. she says instead : "I have acquired a man, the lord" ]

01O 4 2 kai proseqhken tekein ton adelfon autou ton abel kai egeneto abel poimhn probatwn kain de hn ergazomenoV thn ghn
01O 4 2 And she added giving birth to his brother, Abel. And it happened (that) Abel (was) a herdsman of flocks, but Cain was working the earth. [ qv. 1Jn.3:12 : "... his works were evil - but those of his brother just." ]

01O 4 3 kai egeneto meq' hmeraV hnegken kain apo twn karpwn thV ghV qusian tw kuriw
01O 4 3 And it happened with (the) days that Cain brought from the fruits of the earth a sacrifice for the lord .

01O 4 4 kai abel hnegken kai autoV apo twn prwtotokwn twn probatwn autou kai apo twn steatwn autwn kai epeiden o qeoV epi abel kai epi toiV dwroiV autou
01O 4 4 And Abel brought both he from the firstborn of his flock - and from their fats [Hebr: dairy/milk] . And God looked upon Abel and upon his gifts

01O 4 5 epi de kain kai epi taiV qusiaiV autou ou prosescen kai eluphsen ton kain lian kai sunepesen tw proswpw
01O 4 5 (but) upon Cain and upon his 'sacrifices' he did not pay attention. And it grieved Cain exceedingly - and he fell to the face

01O 4 6 kai eipen kurioV o qeoV tw kain ina ti perilupoV egenou kai ina ti sunepesen to proswpon sou
01O 4 6 And the lord god said to Cain " Why did you become sorrowful ? And why did your face fall ?

01O 4 7 ouk ean orqwV prosenegkhV orqwV de mh dielhV hmarteV hsucason proV se h apostrofh autou kai su arxeiV autou
01O 4 7 Did you not make a mistake [alt : did you not miss the mark, did you not sin] - if you were bringing ( your sacrifices ) rightly but not dividing rightly [alt : not distinguishing, not punctuating rightly] ? Wait quietly (until) towards you (is) his aversion ( ie. until he turns his back on you ?) - and (then) you shall take first place over him".

01O 4 8 kai eipen kain proV abel ton adelfon autou dielqwmen eiV to pedion kai egeneto en tw einai autouV en tw pediw kai anesth kain epi abel ton adelfon autou kai apekteinen auton
01O 4 8 And Cain said to Abel, his brother "Let us go into the plain" [voice absent in MT !]. And it happened with their being in the plain - and Cain (was) resurrected upon Abel, his brother, and he killed him.

01O 4 9 kai eipen o qeoV proV kain pou estin abel o adelfoV sou o de eipen ou ginwskw mh fulax tou adelfou mou eimi egw
01O 4 9 And God said to Cain "Where is Abel, your brother ?" But he said "I do not know. Surely I AM not my brother`s guardian ?"

01O 4 10 kai eipen o qeoV ti epoihsaV fwnh aimatoV tou adelfou sou boa proV me ek thV ghV
01O 4 10 And God said "What did you do ? A voice of the blood of your brother shouts to me from the earth.

01O 4 11 kai nun epikataratoV su apo thV ghV h ecanen to stoma authV dexasqai to aima tou adelfou sou ek thV ceiroV sou
01O 4 11 And now you are cursed from the earth, which 'opened its mouth' to receive the blood of your brother from your hand

01O 4 12 oti erga thn ghn kai ou prosqhsei thn iscun authV dounai soi stenwn kai tremwn esh epi thV ghV
01O 4 12 For you (shall) work the earth and it shall not add its strength to yield for you. Contracting [alt : sighing] and shivering you shall be upon the earth".

01O 4 13 kai eipen kain proV ton kurion meizwn h aitia mou tou afeqhnai me
01O 4 13 And Cain said to the lord "My accusation (is) greater than (will allow) my acquittal

01O 4 14 ei ekballeiV me shmeron apo proswpou thV ghV kai apo tou proswpou sou krubhsomai kai esomai stenwn kai tremwn epi thV ghV kai estai paV o euriskwn me apoktenei me
01O 4 14 If you throw me out TODAY from (the) face of the earth, I shall be hidden also from your face. And I shall be contracting [alt : sighing] and shivering upon the earth - and it shall be that each one finding me shall kill me".

01O 4 15 kai eipen autw kurioV o qeoV ouc outwV paV o apokteinaV kain epta ekdikoumena paralusei kai eqeto kurioV o qeoV shmeion tw kain tou mh anelein auton panta ton euriskonta auton
01O 4 15 And the lord god said to him, "Not so : each one killing Cain shall set free seven vengeances". And the lord god placed a SIGN for Cain, so that everyone finding him should not raise him up [alt : not do away with him]

01O 4 16 exhlqen de kain apo proswpou tou qeou kai wkhsen en gh naid katenanti edem
01O 4 16 And Cain went out from the face of God - and dwelt in (the) earth of Nod, opposite Eden.

01O 4 17 kai egnw kain thn gunaika autou kai sullabousa eteken ton enwc kai hn oikodomwn polin kai epwnomasen thn polin epi tw onomati tou uiou autou enwc
01O 4 17 And Cain learned to know his woman and she, conceiving, gave birth to Enoch. And he was building up a city and named the city after the name of his son, Enoch.

01O 4 18 egenhqh de tw enwc gaidad kai gaidad egennhsen ton maihl kai maihl egennhsen ton maqousala kai maqousala egennhsen ton lamec
01O 4 18 But to Enoch was born Gaidad, and to Gaidad was born Maiel, and to Maiel was born Methusala and to Methusala was born Lamech.

01O 4 19 kai elaben eautw lamec duo gunaikaV onoma th mia ada kai onoma th deutera sella
01O 4 19 Lamech took for himself two women : (the) name of the one (was) Ada and (the) name of the second (was) Sella.

01O 4 20 kai eteken ada ton iwbel outoV hn o pathr oikountwn en skhnaiV kthnotrofwn
01O 4 20 And Ada gave birth to Jobel. This was the father of those who dwell in (the) tents of those who breed beasts.

01O 4 21 kai onoma tw adelfw autou ioubal outoV hn o katadeixaV yalthrion kai kiqaran
01O 4 21 And (the) name of his brother (was) Jubal. This was the one who demonstrates the harp and the lyre.

01O 4 22 sella de eteken kai auth ton qobel kai hn sfurokopoV calkeuV calkou kai sidhrou adelfh de qobel noema
01O 4 22 But Sella gave birth by herself to Thobel and he was the hammer-wielding smith of bronze and iron. And (the) sister of Thobel (was) Noema.

01O 4 23 eipen de lamec taiV eautou gunaixin ada kai sella akousate mou thV fwnhV gunaikeV lamec enwtisasqe mou touV logouV oti andra apekteina eiV trauma emoi kai neaniskon eiV mwlwpa emoi
01O 4 23 And Lamech said to his women , Ada and Sella "Listen to my voice, you women of Lamech. Pay attention to my sayings. For I killed a man for wounding me - and a young man for bruising me.

01O 4 24 oti eptakiV ekdedikhtai ek kain ek de lamec ebdomhkontakiV epta
01O 4 24 For seven times there shall be vengeance from Cain, but from Lamech seventy times seven".

01O 4 25 egnw de adam euan thn gunaika autou kai sullabousa eteken uion kai epwnomasen to onoma autou shq legousa exanesthsen gar moi o qeoV sperma eteron anti abel on apekteinen kain
01O 4 25 But Adam learned to know Eve, his woman, and she, conceiving, gave birth to a son - and named his name Seth, saying "For God has resurrected for me another seed in exchange for Abel - whom Cain killed".

01O 4 26 kai tw shq egeneto uioV epwnomasen de to onoma autou enwV outoV hlpisen epikaleisqai to onoma kuriou tou qeou
01O 4 26 And to Seth came a son but he named his name Enos. This one expected to call upon the name of the 'lord god'.
01O 5 1 auth h bibloV genesewV anqrwpwn h hmera epoihsen o qeoV ton adam kat' eikona qeou epoihsen auton
01O 5 1 This ( is ) the Book of Genesis of Persons. On the day God made Adam, he made him according to (the) image of a god.

01O 5 2 arsen kai qhlu epoihsen autouV kai euloghsen autouV kai epwnomasen to onoma autwn adam h hmera epoihsen autouV
01O 5 2 Male and female he made them - and he blessed them and named their name Adam the day he made them.

01O 5 3 ezhsen de adam diakosia kai triakonta eth kai egennhsen kata thn idean autou kai kata thn eikona autou kai epwnomasen to onoma autou shq
01O 5 3 But Adam lived two hundred and thirty years. And (one) was born according to his idea and according to his image - and he named his name Seth ...